Halls & Rooms for Hire
Hire of the Grainger Centre
Hire of the Grainger Centre Facilities
Why not hire the Grainger Centre for your meeting, parties or any social activity or pastime that you may be involved in. Flat rate for hire £15.00 per hour with effect from 1st April, 2023. Regular weekly booking user hire rate £13.50 per hour. Use of kitchen facilities £10. Contact the Town Clerk for further information 01709 770552 or clerk@edlingtontowncouncil.gov.uk
To make a booking or for general enquiries please contact the Town Clerk, telephone 01709 770552 or by email clerk@edlingtontowncouncil.gov.uk or alternatively the Caretaker, Sonia 07500 425216 or Glynn 07502 504438.
Booking form - Hire of Grainger Centre 1/4/23 (MS Word, 171 Kb)
Hall booking form